Dr Jennie Wright
BMBS, FRACGP, DipChildHealth,
GradDipMuscMed, GradCertMedicalAcupuncture
Jennie joined Bayside in 1999 as a general practice registrar and later purchased the practice.
She continues the practice traditions of providing both musculoskeletal and general practice services.
Jennie consults on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and some Saturdays
Dr Zlata Mujic
BMBS, FRACGP, DipChildHealth
Zlata joined Bayside in 2004 and also speaks Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and Italian.
She has extensive clinical experience in hospitals and general practice and is interested in all facets of general medicine and has particular interest in women’s health, skin checks, paediatrics and aged care.
Zlata consults on Monday (telehealth only), Tuesday, Thursday and some Saturdays
Dr Meredith Thompson
Meredith joined Bayside in 2009 and enjoys general medicine, with a special interest in women’s, adolescent and children’s health.
She consults Monday to Thursday and some Saturday mornings
Dr Alison Goodfellow
Alison joined Bayside in 2013 and enjoys all facets of general practice with interests in chronic disease, allergy / immunology, infectious diseases, aged / palliative care and general medicine.
She consults on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and some Saturdays
Dr Kirsten Missen
Kirsten joined Bayside in 2017 and has special interests in women’s health, paediatrics, dermatology and minor procedures.
she has a diploma in obstetrics and gynaecology and is accredited with the Antenatal Shared Care Obstetrics Program.
Kirsten consults on Monday, Thursday, Friday and some Saturdays
Dr Christopher Maynard
Chris enjoys the diverse aspects of general practice and has a special interests in sports & exercise medicine, minor procedures & interventional techniques for musculoskeletal and pain conditions.
He consults on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and some Saturdays
Dr Juthi Hossain
MBBS, DipChildHealth, CWH (RANZCOG)
Juthi has extensive clinical experience working in general practice and various South Australian Hospitals.
Her areas of interest include children’s health, women’s health, obstetrics, aged care, mental health, acute and chronic pain medicine, and removal of skin lesions along with all aspects of general practice.
Juthi consults Monday to Friday and some Saturdays.
She can provide patient consults in English and Bengali
Dr Des Shimeld
MBBS, BSc(Hons), G.Dip.Musc.Med
Des has many years experience in Musculoskeletal Medicine and can also assist with the general medical needs of all your family.
He consults on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Dr Dasith Wewegama 
Dasith completed his medical degree at the University of Adelaide and subsequently worked in various roles within the hospital system including at the Flinders Medical Centre, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Port Augusta Hospital.
He has extensive experience in general practice having worked in a variety of southern outer-metropolitan and metropolitan Adelaide settings.
He enjoys all aspects of general practice and can do minor procedures such as skin lesion removal and iron infusions.
In his spare time, Dasith enjoys hiking, playing tennis and spending time with family.
He consults Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and some Saturdays
**Commencing 5th February 2025**
Dr Tenayah Renshaw 
Tenayah will be consulting Monday to Friday and some Saturdays.
She is available to assist with the general medical needs of all your family, and is happy to see both existing and new patients.
**Commencing 5th February 2025**
Dr Rebecca Saville
Rebecca will be consulting Monday to Friday and some Saturdays.
She is available to assist with the general medical needs of all your family, and is happy to see both existing and new patients.